Movies… Why???

What ever happened to thought provoking movies that have good story lines and an actual point?

I am an old-school movie nut, and i can’t understand what appeals viewers of modern action movies in the 21st century. Movies these days seem to be all about special effects, movies full of explosions and cool machines killing people, with a happy ending where the protagonist kills all the bad guys and gets the girl in the end. 

What ever happened to story lines, well developed characters and character relationships. Movies that have events that are remotely possible, that provoke thought and challenge the viewer emotionally to fall in love with the characters. Instead the modern audience is fixated upon special effects, car chases and very simple story lines.

Another thing I cannot understand is superhero movies. They receive such amazing critical acclaim and yet all have the same basic story line, and as usual end with the protagonist defeating the bad guys and saving the world and all that sappy crap.

Don’t get me wrong, I love movies full of guns, violence and car chases, but there has to be a point, a greater message, and an ending that moves the viewer. Sadly, nearly all modern movies lack the ability to do this. This is due to the depressing fact that the movie industry is now for the witless and the absent minded.


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